A brief summary: What created the universe?
How could God make the universe from nothing? Nothing means no time, no space and no energy.
Think about this: What if nothing is so unstable that it explodes into the Big Bang?
Creation now becomes a natural process with no need to explain the existence of a complex creator.
Hawking, Wilczek (noble prize winner), Stenger and other top physicists tell us that we have a
universe because "nothing is unstable". The instability of nothing erupts into the Big Bang
creating galaxies, stars, planets and other stable objects.
The laws of Quantum Mechanics, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and Relativity tell us how the
Big Bang explosion is triggered and how this explosion creates both mass and gravity without needing a creator
or violating the law of conservation of energy.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle from Quantum Mechanics demands the creation of virtual particles from nothing. This creation from nothing is probably the most common event in our universe. Check it out. This creation from nothing has been verified in lab measurements. Check out the Casimir Effect and the Lamb Shift for the measurements.
Mathematics shows how the positive mass energy in the universe is balanced by the negative gravitational energy resulting in a universe of zero total energy. Download “The Origin of the Universe – Case Closed” for more.
The laws are firmly in charge of the universe - not God. Try violating the law of gravity and you will see. When you look up at the stars at night, you are seeing how laws have created stability from the instability of nothing.
Laws created and sustain the universe - not God.
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