Learn Electronics Videos:
Click on a video link below to begin.
Electronic Fundamentals:
- What is Current? (part1)
- What is Current? (part2)
- What is Current? (part3)
- What is Voltage and Resistance?
- Ohm's Law
- Resistance and Resistivity
- Sheet Resistance - Series/Parallel Resistors
- More about Series and Parallel Resistors
- What is Analog and Digital? (part1)
- What is Analog and Digital? (part2)
- Resistor Voltage Divider Circuits
- What is a Capacitor? (part1)
- What is a Capacitor? (part2)
- Series and Parallel Capacitors
- What is an Inductor? (part1)
- What is an Inductor? (part2)
- Induction Cooking
- Capacitor and Inductor Math
- Resistor Review Problems
- A Simple Resistor Capacitor (RC) Circuit
- A Simple Resistor Inductor (RL) Circuit
Semiconductor Electronics:
- Semiconductor Overview
- N type versus P type Silicon and Mobility
- The PN Junction Diode (part1)
- The PN Junction Diode (part2)
- Diode Math
- A Simple Diode Circuit Design
- The NPN Bipolar Transistor Overview
- The PNP Bipolar Transistor Overview
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part1)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part2)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part3)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part4)
- Bipolar Integrated Circuit Construction
- Mosfet Transistor: N-Channel and P-Channel
- The Electric Field (E-Field)
- The N-Channel Mosfet Transistor (NMOS, NFET)
- The P-Channel Mosfet Transistor (PMOS, PFET)
CMOS Digital Circuits:
- Using Mosfets to make the CMOS Inverter
- The CMOS Switch
- The CMOS Tri-State Driver, Latch and MUX
- The CMOS D-Flip Flop (DFF)
- The CMOS NAND Gate and NOR Gate
- The CMOS RAM Cell
- The Read Only Memory (ROM) and Flash Memory
Circuit Simulation:
The Integrated Circuit (IC, Microchip, Chip):
- Integrated Circuit (IC) Fabrication
- IC Layout (Mask Design)
- CMOS Inverter Delay & Layout
- CMOS Latch-Up
Circuit Design Examples:
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part1)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part2)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part3)
- Bipolar Burglar Alarm Circuit Design (part4)
- Bipolar Current Source
- CMOS Current Source
- The CMOS Source Follower
Using Circuits to Solve Financial and Economic Problems:
- Financial & Economic Analysis using Circuits
- Electrical Model of a Savings Account Using LT-SPICE
- Electrical Model of Interest Rate
- Electrical Model of Alice's Loan Payment Using LT-SPICE
- Electrical Model of Joe's Retirement Savings Using LT-SPICE
- Electrical Model of Banking Reserve Requirement Using LT-SPICE
- Simulating the Economy Using the SPICE Program
Solar Energy Electronics:
- How Does a Solar Cell Work?
- Solar Cell Model - Drift and Diffusion Current
- Solar Panel Shading and Hot Spots
Future of Electronics:
Topics for the Curious:
- Proof that the area of a circle is πr2 without math.
- Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem without math.
- An Odd Property of a Half Sphere
- The Odd Property of Seven Circles
- The Fermi Paradox
- The Ingredients of the Universe
- How could the eye evolve without a designer?
- We all live in two different worlds.
- Knowledge and Power
- Two Views of Creation
- For the Curious Only
- How the Universe can be Uncreated
- Brief answers to the big questions: